”Olen ylpeä siitä, että esimerkillä johtaminen ei ole vain kulunut klisee vaan todellinen osa identiteettiäni.
Myönteinen palaute kannustaa kehittämään toimintaani joka päivä.”
– Nina Law
Tein Manilassa yhteistyötä pienen, noin 200 työntekijän organisaation kanssa. Yrityksen tavoitteena on kääntää Manilan valtaisat jäteongelmat tuottavaksi liiketoiminnaksi ja kehittää liiketoimintaa kestävän kehityksen periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Kahden vuoden aikana kehitimme organisaation avainhenkilöiden kanssa sekä liiketoimintaa että organisaation toimintaa systemaattisesti. Liiketoiminnan tulokset ja työntekijöiden työtyytyväisyys paranivat todella merkittävästi.
Lue alta HR-konsulttimme palaute siitä, miten ja miksi onnistuimme.
What have been the key results and main benefits of working with Nina?
Working with Nina is about learning everyday. Her expertise in Organization Development is in depth and comprehensive that working with her guarantees personal and professional growth.
Her appreciation of growing an organization is coming from a strong passion for driving the team to deliver the results yet ensuring that their growth is also well cared for.
Nina is pleasant and can deal with others with great ease. Her respectful and nurtuiring demeanor easily draws others to her with trust and confidence. She is friendly and is a very good listener.
As a leader, she is very competent and definitely professional in the way she conducts herself and in handling the business. She is looked up to by her peers and the staff, for her opinion and impressions on matters that require a competent and objective perspective. She is absolutely respected for her leadership.
Would you say that her work has influenced the company's financial stability and growth?
This is her biggest accomplishment! Nina introduced structure, the best ways of working and guided the organization towards delivering its organizational objectives and financial goals. The stability that her leadership has created is the result of her focus and patience for organizational growth and change.
What have been the main drivers there?
Her own motivation, vision and work habits definitely influenced the growth of the organization. She is so disciplined as a business manager and a leader of the team that the combination inspired the group to desire for the change and the success themselves. She is consistent in ensuring that focus in the goals are reverted to in cases when there are distractions and challenges.
Would you recommend her services to some other company's management? Why?
Absolutely! Nina is and will be an asset to any organization. She is a leader and will have a major impact in any organization because of her competency and professionalism.
Hi Nina! I mean everything I wrote here. I want your clients, present and future to know that!
– Pines de la Fuente, Senior HR Consultant, Manila, Philippines
Lue myös: Nina Law’n tie yrittäjäksi.